Summer 2022 : New Art & the ArtWalk

Saying I am excited to return to Artwalk this summer is an understatement. I have new work, new subject matter and am using new mediums. I have been drawing more, and I must confess drawing has always been my first love, but drawings are harder to keep safe. So I turn to the brush, myContinue reading “Summer 2022 : New Art & the ArtWalk”

The Games Table is done!

After many late nights and googling of old game board pieces, I have finally completed the Games Table. Yahoo! Games have so many memories attached to them, and they can bring you right back to your childhood. The laughing, the fun and sometimes the flipping of the game board. Games are a big part ofContinue reading “The Games Table is done!”

The games cupboard … WIP

Well I must say that trying to be creative whole social distancing and working from home with a 4.5 year old has proven to be very difficult. It takes a lot of energy and time to plan and fill his days with positivity and to lessen the feeling of having no peers to play with.Continue reading “The games cupboard … WIP”

I am finally back at the easel with … Marble Marble

After my adventures down the inktober road in the fall my creative endeavours slowed to almost a halt. I have been struggling with some chronic bursitis in my shoulder and healing at that time was taking all my energy. Finally with the new year well underway I am feeling strong and ready to take theContinue reading “I am finally back at the easel with … Marble Marble”

#inktober my journey so far… day 9

I have never taken the inktober challenge as I have this year. A target for each day and a theme to help guide me through 31 days. I am almost 1/3 of the way in and so far so good! I know the days will come when it’s going to be hard, but I amContinue reading “#inktober my journey so far… day 9”

The Power of Greyskull!

Late last night I was able to complete He-man & Battle-Cat. My little brother was a serious fan of He-man. I clearly remember him wheeling his giant plastic sword around inciting the power of greyskull. Having a 4 year old around re enacting similar scenes shakes of the cobwebs off of old memories and theyContinue reading “The Power of Greyskull!”

Green Army Men

I don’t know if you can get more classic than the green army men.  These gentlemen have been on my to do list for awhile, so when the season of sickness past they were the first to hit the canvas.  The green army man has probably seen more than his share of battles, more thanContinue reading “Green Army Men”

A studio date with my son

This Wednesday afternoon my son asked me to paint with him in the studio. He has a painting easel set up next to mine in my studio. So down we went into the painting studio, we adorned our smocks, put some tunes on and began the painting adventure. For about 30 minutes we painted andContinue reading “A studio date with my son”